MMTLP Studios launch.

MMTLP Studios began only a month ago with a vision to begin capturing our story on video, started capturing the emotion, the personal heartache, the frustration, the sacrifices we are all enduring on a daily basis! 

Captured on film the impact of how the other side’s arrogance, neglect, manipulation, deception, and silence have provided us “no answers”! 

This vision for MMTLP Studios motivated an platoon of seven dedicated, enthusiastic, passionate members enlisted from our MMTLP Twitter spaces to step up and become involved & committed.

First came Molly, then Stef, then Winston, Shismar, Dan & GW. 

With the addition of GW’s more than 35 years screenwriter/producer/director expertise, Studios had the storytelling and production experience needed to help form the framework for the Studio. 

Now not only will we be collecting & distributing compelling video testimonials, but we have an opportunity to plan a feature-length documentary film with MMTLP at the heart of the story. The overall objective is to expose the pervasive creation of criminally counterfeit short shares on Wall Street. 

The MMTLP shareholders have a unique story to tell the story, a story worthy of a documentary, utilizing MMTLP’s unicorn position to expose all the illegal & criminal short activity that has been allowed to flourish, not investigated and enforced by the regulatory agencies on Wall Street.  

For decades, hard working families have had their 401K’s and pensions pillaged, companies targeted and illegally shorted into bankruptcy.  Nefarious acts have consequences.  With video, with film, we are going to show to the world just how damning those consequences have been!  Our determined, dedicated team, all heavy contributors to our mission at MMTLP Studios, have been working “around the clock” pushing our vision forward.  Now it’s time we put a face to the MMTLP saga!


MMTLP Veterans United